Wednesday, July 15, 2009

little peach vintage shop open on etsy!

photos by Dan
Dress: 1950s Navy Sailor Dress - ebay
Shoes: Nine West Peeps
Earrings: White Pearl Drop - flea market Georgia

Hi y'all,

my etsy shop is officially open for business! Check it out & let me know what you think! I'm going to do a friendly contest for those of you that visit the shop & leave me a comment on the blog about anything you like. I will draw from a hat to see who wins on Saturday! The prize is a pretty vintage costume ring in the shape of a rose with a little crystal in the center. I found it in Vermont on Sunday at a local flea market & thought you might like it! Have a great day!

little peach


  1. I wish I could buy everything!!! There is nothing that I don't like! Congratulations, little peach!

  2. I loved looking at all the clothes - they are great! You have a keen eye. Will you be selling jewelry/accessories/shoes, as well? Best of luck! :) Jeannine

  3. Your shop looks so inviting. Your outfits are amazing and your photos are very cute. I really like all the different locations, it adds a lot of interest. As well, it's fun to see the different backgrounds. Great job, I can't wait to see what else you add.

  4. love all the outfits. i enjoyed reading about you, your fashion experience and i just adore the top you are wearing in your profile pix. i am a child of the 70s, so vintage pieces from that time are my favs. congrats on your new store!

  5. I want the yellow dress!! Its absolutely soo gorgeous!

  6. that red dress with the polka dots is awesome!! if it hangs around too long i am gonna snag it!

  7. I loooove the vintage theme dresses. Tell me, did you really find these dresses in vintage shops or somewhere else? The dress in this current is really pretty and dramatic!

  8. oh, sorry about the previous question. Ebay! lol. sorry I didn't read the post as carefully as I thought I did.

  9. I am a huge fan of vintage fashion.!! Love to wear vintage theme dresses. Well, your outfit are amazing and fabulous.
